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Do Startups need Science? Does CDR needs Science?

Very honored that I was invited to take part at a panel discussion organized by the Helmholtz Institute, as part of the second workshop SynCom-project „Scaling up Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)”.

Short answer: yes 😊

Long answer: For me, as biochar producer (and hence carbon dioxide removal + by-product producer) it is always helpful to step out of the own “bubble” sometimes – and to see the other technologies like Direct Air Capture, Enhanced Weathering and Direct Ocean Capture (that one was new to me) – having the common problems (e.g. being able to produce bankable products), but cool people having a similar motivation and a great vision. And to see how Helmholtz is already represented in and supporting the various fields.

And certainly, we need Science! Even more: we need Science as Partner!

Science in my opinion could and should give courage to tackle the transformation and speed up implementation. Science could and should convince politics and society that we have to speed-up transformation!

Very much looking forward to the next steps with Helmholtz!